Samen Maier Blog
Decorative cress cultivation
You’ll need:
- as many eggs as you want to have
- Egg cartons
- cotton wool/earth
- Samen Maiers organic garden cress
- some water
1) Break the eggs wide apart and put the raw egg in a separate bowl (later you can always trim the edge to fit by simply breaking the shell).
2) Wash and dry the eggs
3) Fill the eggs about half full with absorbent cotton or soil
4) Spread some organic garden cress on the cotton wool/soil and moisten with some water
5) Give the cress some time and a beautiful Easter decoration is ready
6) Now only keep the cotton wool/earth moist and then nothing stands in the way of an Easter brunch with garden cress on your bread.
In our shop you will also find many other great organic herbal seeds.