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Wild tomato – Information and tips

written by Samen Maier on 17. April 2015
in Gardentips

Wild Tomato Golden Currant

Do you already know our wild tomato? We asked the organic propagator for more information and now we want to tell you some tips and tricks about this variety.

Bernd Horneburg has been involved in the organic outdoor tomato project for a long time. And even longer with organic seeds. In this long-standing project, the following variety stands out in particular: the yellow-fruity Golden Currant. They can withstand infection from late blight for a long time and still bear fruit even in very unfavorable locations.

Wild Tomato Golden Currant is an original tomato with approximately cherry-sized, yellow fruits. Breeding and propagation are carried out by Bernd Horneburg at the fertile Leinetal near Göttingen.

Their special strengths:


Wild tomatoes are less demanding and can therefore be used in shallower and drier areas of the garden. They grow by the fence, next to walls and paths and can also be grown in buckets on the balcony.

Cultivation method

Wild tomatoes are not suitable for the usual cultivation on a pole, because wild tomatoes need space to develop: In good soil, a single, free-growing plant covers over 2 sqm!
Horneburg recommends the following cultivation method to achieve optimum growth and harvest: In order to lift the plants slightly off the ground, cultivation in a funnel is recommended: Three sticks (at least 1 m long) are driven into the ground at an angle as soon as the young wild tomato plant begins to grow strongly in width. Following the growth of the plant, crossbars are attached on which the shoots are placed.

It is also nice and space-saving to weave wild tomatoes into fences.


Lush fruit formation

The inflorescences follow each other closely, as the individual stem sections are short. In addition, the plant’s growth strength is enormous. They branch strongly and constantly form new fruits. According to Bernd Horneburg more than 1000 fruits per plant have been counted.

What is not worth it is the one-shoot cultivation on a pole: you have to use a lot of the fruit and the taste of the fruit suffers. A special advantage is the natural insensitivity to late blight and other diseases of the tomato.

Good luck with the cultivation and enjoy the delicious fruit!

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