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Seeds Maier’s wildflower package organic product of the year 2020/21

written by Samen Maier on 7. December 2020
in Samen Maier

Award from Bio-Austria, BIORAMA and Messe Wieselburg

We are happy about the award “Organic Product of the Year” for our wildflower package!

Seeds Maier organic wildflower package

What the jury says:

In the built-up and intensively used landscape, not only habitats for insects and wild animals are missing, but also the diversity of original flowering and wild plants. The “wildflower package” from Samen Maier shows that it is not witchcraft to promote this diversity in the garden and on a very small scale. It offers a sensibly composed complete package of 24 organically certified wild plants (mountain leek, tufted bellflower, Carthusian carnation, and many more), which require as little care as possible and no fertilization or watering, as well as an organic seed mixture for a total garden area of 2-3 square meters.

Award of the organic wildflower package as organic product of the year 2020/21

“Austria is blooming organic from now on”,
rejoices juror Reinhard Gessl (FIBL).

“The convincing: With little effort, the wildflower package gives you pleasure all year round and I create valuable habitat for insects and creatures,” says Bio Austria chairwoman Gerti Grabmann.

The Organic Wildflower Pack

Our organic wildflower package includes 24 selected organic wildflower varieties, as well as an organic flower seed mix. The carefully selected varieties are enough for 2-3 m2 and provide a variety of beneficial insects.

Native wild perennials make an important contribution to bees, bumblebees, butterflies…Due to the intensive use of agricultural land, many species that were originally abundant in the meadows and roadsides are being pushed back. And this has not only visual, but much more serious consequences than most people realize, because beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies also find fewer food sources.

Our organic wildflowers are currently in winter dormancy and looking forward to the coming spring season.

We are happy to receive advance orders by mail.
[email protected]

Contribution & photo credits: ©BIO AUSTRIA/Fair Wieselburg

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