Bio austria Seed MixTures

organic mixtures of the highest quality

Samen Maier and BIO Austria have worked closely together to develop 100% organic quality seed mixtures for organic agriculture and home gardening. Our mixtures have been optimally combined for the benefit of insects, poultry, ruminants, and the soil.

Our organic seed mixtures are available in our online shop. Shipping is free of charge, and packages will be sent via the postal service in an environmentally friendly manner.

BIO AUSTRIA Farmer’s Garden Flower Mix

The BIO AUSTRIA farmer’s garden gives your backyard an explosive bloom of flowers and foilage. Wildflower species provide food sources for bumblebees, butterflies and threatened insects.

This mixture only contains seeds that have been grown by BIO AUSTRIA operations.

100% BIO AUSTRIA seeds guarantee the highest regional quality.

Composition: sunflower bambino, baby’s breath, safflower, parsley, love-in-a-mist, golden poppy, lemon balm, mallow zebrina, lentils, lovage, garden cress, cornflower, coriander, golden flax, dill, carnation, mountain onion, large-flowered mullein, hollyhock mallow, southern scabiose, wild mallow, ox-eye, red carnation, sage, thyme

BIO AUSTRIA Pastured Poultry Mix

This mixture promotes dense turf and good soil cover with vegetation. With its robust components, it ensures optimal green poultry runs and encourages chickens to feed.


  • 35 % organic red fescue
  • 20 % organic perennial ryegrass
  • 15 % organic perennial ryegrass
  • 10 % organic perennial ryegrass
  • 10 % organic white clover
  • 10 % organic red clover

BIO AUSTRIA Catch Crop Mixture 

Grow green forage and silage with the BIO AUSTRIA Catch Crop mixture. Its specially selected components support future crops, while roots and biomass contribute to soil organisms and microorganisms.


  • 40 % organic vetch
  • 30 % organic annual ryegrass
  • 20 % organic Egyptian clover
  • 10 % organic buckwheat

Bio Austria products


Our seeds are grown mainly by Austrian organic operations. Organic varieties not available in Austria come from central European organic farms.

BIO AUSTRIA member companies are committed to compliance with higher standards than the EU organic regulation prescribes, and thus produce a unique organic quality. Soil conservation, biodiversity and animal welfare are of particular importance to BIO AUSTRIA.

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