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Wild Flowers – why they belong in every garden

written by Samen Maier on 6. February 2019
in Wildflowers, Bees and beneficials

We see our wildflower project, which we were able to implement together with the Ottenberg organic tree nursery, as a special project to preserve biodiversity.
For garden lovers, we offer a program for the rediscovery of native wild flowers in garden design with all the positive effects on soil, water, flora and fauna.

Organic wildflowers, which are threatened by extinction, promote the preservation of Austrian biodiversity

Monocultures and the use of harmful chemicals have largely displaced the variety of flowering meadows, hedges close to nature, idyllic stream banks and harmoniously merging forest edges.

The loss of these species-rich habitats is the main reason for the dramatic decline of many species. Bees and butterflies find less and less wild flowers and native shrubs, i.e. food and natural nesting places.

Regional wild plants, however, attract birds, bees, wild bees, butterflies and many other animals and are optimally adapted to the respective location and climate.

General information on wild shrubs

Domestic wild herbs make an important contribution to bees, bumblebees, butterflies… The intensive use of agricultural land is driving back many species that were originally abundant in the meadows and along the roadsides. The reproduction company Biobaumschule Ottenberg has set itself the task of protecting these regional wild shrubs and creating a seed archive of the special species. The propagation of the wild perennials is carried out at the company’s own nursery, which has been operating organically for 28 years.

Colorful Nature

For the private gardener these wild perennials offer many advantages: On the one hand it is about the rediscovery of these wild forms for garden design and on the other hand an important contribution is made to the preservation of the species. For bees and insects these plants are a magnet of attraction. Another advantage is that the plants are perfectly adapted to our climate and get by with very little nutrients and water. By including wild perennials in the garden design, fertilization and watering can be dispensed with, which also protects the environment and makes the gardener’s work easier.

With the help of Austrian organic farmers, valuable species can be reproduced again. Domestic wild flowers make an important contribution to our flora & fauna.

They promote the preservation of Austrian biodiversity.

This colourfulness and the wonderful scent of flowers! No wonder that bees, bumblebees and butterflies love wild flowers. Anyone who wants to help the local biodiversity to grow, now sows the wild seeds in their own garden.

Why is it important to plant more wildflowers again?

Anyone who walked across fields, meadows and forests 30 or 40 years ago will surely remember the many colourful wild flowers blooming along the wayside, in the fields or on the meadows. Blue cornflowers lined up next to bright poppies, bellflowers and primroses or even mullein, meadow sage and much more. Today, unfortunately, nature looks different. Due to the intensive use of agricultural land, more and more plant species are being pushed back. Weed killers are used to promote the optimal development of the cultivated plants, but also for so-called “landscape conservation” to prevent paths and waysides from becoming overgrown. As a result, far fewer plant species exist today than a few decades ago. Studies show that the diversity of species in some agricultural areas is even lower than in cities. And this has not only visual consequences, but much more serious ones than most people are aware of, because beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies also find fewer sources of food.

Why are Wildflowers threatened?

The sensitive wild flowers in particular have no chance against chemical synthetic pesticides. Over the decades only a small part of the “wild flower splendour” could be preserved. This is unfortunately noticeable, because the diversity of flowers and insects is of great importance for nature and ultimately for us humans. Many plant and small animal creatures such as insects and other microorganisms have not yet been sufficiently researched in our latitudes. Again and again there are discoveries of medical effects of these organisms which can be of benefit to present or future generations. With the extinction of wild flowers, many animal species are disappearing. Insects such as wild bees, bumblebees or butterflies can hardly find any food plants and, as a consequence, there is too little food for birds.

What is so special about wildflowers?

The special thing about wildflowers are their blossoms, some of which are difficult to reach. What seems impractical at first sight proves to be life-saving for many insects. Well hidden they can collect nectar and are protected from their enemies. When crawling into the narrow blossom, pollen sticks to the insects’ abdomen, which in turn fertilises other flowers. Garden flowers, such as perennials, often do not have these narrow “entrances”. They are bred to form large and beautiful flowers, but this means that there are no hiding places for insects.
Wild flowers are also very valuable for the garden. The attracted insects not only pollinate the wild flowers themselves, but also vegetables and fruit. They bring bright colours and valuable ingredients into the vegetable patch. Some wildflowers have long taproots and thus loosen up the beds.

Joyful setting and flowering made easy

Wild flowers are ideal for growing in the garden, but also on the balcony or terrace. Basically wild flowers are perfectly adapted to our climate and get by with little nutrients and water. With the inclusion of wild flowers in the garden design, fertilization and watering can be dispensed with, which also protects the environment and makes our gardeners’ work easier.

Wild flowers are the colours of the natural garden. Wild flowers and herbs colonise dry, nutrient-poor locations as well as wet, nutrient-rich areas, the banks of ponds, lakes and streams, dry stone walls and roadsides. The selection of plants is correspondingly large – and the design possibilities that result from this.

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