

Samen Maier d.o.o

Bleiweisova cesta 30

1000 Ljubljana

e-naslov: [email protected]



Urška Bregar (poslovodja)

00386 (0)40 438 728

[email protected]



Mag. Johannes Huber
Mag. Johannes Huber

Field Service

Hubert Spiesberger
Hubert Spiesberger
Außendienst Südost/Süd
(Steiermark, Süd-Burgenland, Kärnten, Osttirol, Südtirol)
Jakup Husaj
Jakup Husaj
Außendienst Ost
(Wien, Ost-Niederösterreich, Nord-Burgenland)
Josef Saletmaier
Josef Saletmaier
Außendienst Nord/West
(OÖ, West-Niederösterreich, Salzburg, Tirol, Vorarlberg)
Georg Schrattenecker
Georg Schrattenecker


Katrin Zauner
Katrin Zauner
Franz Schrattenecker
Franz Schrattenecker
Maria Steinbacher
Maria Steinbacher
Klaudia Erlach
Klaudia Erlach


Romana Windhager
Romana Windhager
Brigitte Pusch
Brigitte Pusch
Hanim Yildiz
Hanim Yildiz
Sevgi Önel
Sevgi Önel
Data protection
We, the SAMEN MAIER GmbH (Registered business address: Austria), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice:
We, the SAMEN MAIER GmbH (Registered business address: Austria), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice: